The Academic Honor Code and Social Code

The Academic Honor Code and Social Code

不妥协的知识探索是文科教育的核心. 诚信对于创造一个致力于发展独立学习模式的学术环境至关重要, analysis, judgment, and expression. Academic dishonesty, in or out of the classroom, 与学院的制度价值观背道而驰,并违反了学术荣誉准则. 皇冠体育希望学生对自己在校内和校外的行为负责,并确保客人也有同样的行为.

学术荣誉守则在皇冠体育的学术生活中起着核心作用. Students and faculty are obligated to ensure its success. Since 1964, with revisions in 1977 and 1993, 个人学术诚信的社会承诺构成了学术行为的基础. 该机构假设所有皇冠体育学生都具有智力诚实所隐含的属性.

社会准则描述了皇冠体育学生的某些权利和责任. 学院要求在校内和校外都有一定的行为标准,以确保学院社区的安全,并确保学院仍然是智力参与的中心. The College has an interest in the character of its students, 校内和校外的行为都反映了学生的性格和是否适合成为大学社区的一员.

学术荣誉守则和社会守则的成功需要学院社区的积极承诺. 怀疑违反学术荣誉准则和/或社会准则的个人不应试图独立解决问题,而应将他们的担忧提交给学生主任办公室. 学院保留对在学院内外违反这些守则的学生实施制裁的权利, 包括当一个学生在另一个机构学习时.

皇冠体育承认其有责任执行反映基本公平的学生纪律处分程序. Bowdoin is an educational community; the procedures under the Academic Honor Code and Social Code are intended to support Bowdoin’s educational purpose. 它们不是刑事诉讼程序,不应被解释为刑事诉讼程序.



I. Definition of Terms


  1. “学术荣誉守则”涵盖学生在课堂和实验作业等活动中的行为, examinations, 小测验, 论文, and presentations. 它既适用于皇冠体育的课程,也适用于其他院校的课程, including but not limited to study abroad.
  2. “社会准则”管理发生在校园内外的非学术学生行为.
  3. “皇冠体育”或“学院”等术语指的是皇冠体育及其场所.
  4. “Student” includes all persons who are active students, 包括在外地学习的和休假或休学的.
  5. "College official” refers to any 工作人员 member or faculty member. 教职员工还包括皇冠体育雇用的从事正式学术活动的个人. This definition excludes student employees.
  6. The “Bowdoin community” incorporates all faculty, students, 工作人员, student groups, 以及学院雇用的官员或其他人员及其适当关系.
  7. College “premises” comprise all land, buildings, facilities, and other property owned, 使用, or supervised by Bowdoin, including its student organizations.
  8. “学生纪律程序”是指所有书面和声明的政策,涉及确定可能违反学校行为准则和任何制裁.
  9. “学生上诉委员会”负责审理正式聆讯的上诉. 该委员会由高级副校长兼学生事务主任担任主席,包括教职员工, 工作人员, and student members.
  10. The terms “shall” and “will” are 使用 in the imperative sense; “may” and “should” are 使用 in the permissive sense.
  11. “不端行为”是指学生违反学院学术荣誉准则和/或社会准则的行为.
  12. “证据优势”是一种决定性的标准,根据这一标准,所提出的事实必须证明发生违反行为的可能性大于不发生违反行为的可能性.
  13. As 使用 herein, “主管学生事务的高级副校长和院长”包括主管学生事务的高级副校长和院长或其指定人员.
  14. 在本协议中,“教务长”一词包括教务长或其指定人员.
  15. As 使用 herein, “行为审查委员会顾问”一词包括行为审查委员会顾问或其指定人员.
II. Interpretation


3. The Pledge

All new members of the College community, including members of the incoming class, transfer students, and exchange students, must acknowledge the pledge that reads: “I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Academic Honor Code and the Social Code.”


学生签署《皇冠体育》和《皇冠体育官网》保证书, 一份副本保存在学生主任办公室的永久档案中. 操守检讨委员会顾问协调签署承诺.

每次学生提交学术作业或参加考试时, 论文, laboratory assignments, and other academic work, 他们承认自己对学术荣誉守则的责任和承诺.

IV. Proscribed Conduct



  1. “学术不诚实”包括但不限于:(1)接收, 给, 或在任何学术作业中使用任何未经授权的协助, including but not limited to: 小测验, 测试, written assignments, examinations or laboratory assignments; (2) referencing and/or using sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in preparing 论文, constructing reports, solving problems or carrying out other academic assignments; (3) inadequate citation of sources; (4) acquisition, without permission, of 测试, computer files, or similar material that would give the student an unfair advantage on an assignment or examination; (5) submission of academic work not a student’s own original effort; (6) use of the same work for multiple courses without prior knowledge and permission of the receiving instructor(s); (7) depriving community members of access, including computer access, to 图书馆 information through intentional monopolization, mutilation, defacing, 擅自从大学图书馆移走书籍或其他资料, or purposeful failure to return 图书馆 materials on a timely basis; (8) unauthorized altering of academic records (transcripts, grading sheets, Course Registration Cards, 等.); (9) fabrication of research data.

  2. 皇冠体育的许多课程在不同的情况下采用各种合作作业, including homework, laboratory reports, project work, and in-class assignments. When preparing such course work, 学生必须遵守个别导师的合作政策.

  3. 这是学生的义务,完全熟悉正确的引用来源和咨询他们的导师,并参考权威的风格指南的研究论文. Ignorance or carelessness is not a valid excuse for plagiarism.

皇冠体育图书馆网站提供了不同的信息 citation style guides 有关引用和抄袭的在线信息可以在行为审查委员会的网站上找到 网站.

抄袭是可能的任何工作在任何媒介和任何学术学科进行. Plagiarism involves the intentional or negligent use, including by paraphrase or direct quotation, 未发表的,未发表的在诸如论文等学术著作中未得到充分和明确承认的他人已发表或未发表的著作, examinations, oral/written reports, homework assignments, laboratory reports, computer programs, music scores, choreography, graphic depictions, and visual presentations.



The following activities, occurring on or off College premises, constitute breaches of the Social Code:

  1. 不符合皇冠体育学生身份的行为,无论是身体上的,语言上的还是性方面的. Examples include, but are not limited to:lewd or indecent behavior (or sponsorship thereof); abuse or assault; threats; intimidation; retaliation; harassment; coercion; behavior or activities that significantly disrupt the educational experience of other students; and other conduct that threatens, instills fear, or infringes upon the rights, 尊严, 以及任何人的诚信,包括通过使用社交媒体或其他电子通信手段.

  2. Attempted or actual theft of, or misappropriation of, physical or intellectual property and/or services. Attempted or actual damage to property.

  3. Purposely providing false, inaccurate, 或向学院官员或教职员工提供误导性信息.

  4. 未能遵从学院官员或教职员的合理要求, 包括要求证明自己的身份或遵守学院指令的条款, including a no-contact agreement/order.

  5. 危及自己或他人健康和安全的威胁或行为. Examples include, but are not limited to: destroying, misusing, or tampering with fire safety equipment; unauthorized climbing onCollegebuildings and structures; throwing objects out of windows; reckless operation of a motor vehicle; possession of explosives or dangerous chemicals; and possession of firearms, ammunition, 或其他武器(除非经安全与安保办公室批准并安全存放).

  6. 违反联邦、州或地方法律,包括条例、规章和法规的.

  7. Disruption of the orderly processes of the College, involving obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other College activities, including its public-service activities. 扰乱学院秩序的行为包括但不限于:
    1. Unauthorized entry into, or occupation of a private office, college residence, work area, or a teaching, 图书馆, or social facility.
    2. 不遵守学术和非学术办公室规定的运作政策, 中心, 工会, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, or other College buildings.
    3. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys or access cards toCollegepremises, or tampering with locks toCollegebuildings.
    4. 限制或妨碍学院员工履行职责的行为.
    5. Excessive or extreme noise, the display of banners/objects, 或投掷物品,以防止或扰乱学院职能或批准的活动的有效执行, including, but not limited to: 类, lectures, meetings, interviews, ceremonies, athletic events, or public functions.
    6. 在纪律处分过程中不诚实.
    7. Abuse or misuse of official College documents or systems.

  8. 未经各方同意,不允许使用录音设备. Installing or using any device for listening to, observing, photographing, recording, amplifying, publishing, or transmitting sounds, 涉及个人/团体的图像或事件对隐私有合理的期望, without consent of all persons involved. 这包括涉及纪律问题的学生和院长之间的会议,或者两个或两个以上的人之间的保密会议. 这也包括记录任何大学纪律程序,过程,或听证会. 对一个被承认的团体的活动进行记录或拍摄, performances, 类, lectures, programs, workshops, 或其他未经主办单位特别授权的类似活动, faculty member, 演讲者, or other party related to the event is prohibited.

  9. Failure to comply with any Bowdoin College policy including, but not limited to, the following specific ones: