
Asian Studies Major

学生主修亚洲研究,专注于一个特定的地理和文化区域-中国, Japan, East Asia, or South Asia—or by specializing in a discipline. Eight courses are required in addition to the study of an Asian language.

Language Requirements

Two years of an East Asian language, or one year of a South Asian language, or the equivalent through intensive language study.

  • In addition to the above language requirement, 学生最多可申请三门高级中级(2205-2206)或高级(3307-3309)东亚语言课程,共计八门必修课程.
  • The College does not directly offer courses in any South Asian language. 可以与项目主任和注册主任办公室进行安排,从另一个机构转移学分. 学生应该咨询他们的顾问,选择符合语言要求的校外和/或海外学习项目.

Area-Specific or Discipline-Based Requirements

Area-Specific Option Requirements

A concentration in China, Japan, East Asia, or South Asia requires eight courses, 其中六到七个必须集中在专业的地理区域, with up to two courses in an area outside that specialization.

  • 专攻中国的学生必须在中国选修一门前现代课程(2000-2049), 2750) and one modern course in China (2050–2249).
  • 日本专业的学生必须在日本选修一门前现代课程(2250-2299)和一门现代课程(2300-2499)。.
  • 关注南亚的学生必须至少选修以下两门学科的课程:
    • Anthropology (1026–1038), (1550–1774), (2500–2749), or (2750–2969)
    • History (1026–1038), (1550–1774), (2500–2749), or (2750–2969)
    • Religion (1026–1038), (1550–1774), (2500–2749), or (2750–2969)

Discipline-Based Option Requirements

Students must consult with their advisor concerning course selection.

  • At least five courses must be in the chosen discipline: e.g., government, history, literature and visual culture (English, cinema studies, and art history), religion, or any other approved discipline. 这五门课程中的一门必须是重点学科的高级课程(3000-4051).
  • 其余三门课程必须探索相关主题或与学生的语言学习有关. 亚洲语言的学习必须在学生的学习领域之一.

Additional Notes for Majors


  • A senior seminar (3000–4051) is required and must be taken at Bowdoin.
  • 主修亚洲研究的学生不得辅修亚洲研究、中文或日文.

Asian Studies Minor

Students minor in Asian studies by taking five courses. Of these five, one may be an advanced language course (2205–3309). 辅修亚洲研究没有地域、学科或时间要求.

Chinese Language Minor

Students minor in Chinese language by taking five courses. Of these five:

  • four courses are required in Chinese; and
  • 一门额外的课程可以是高级汉语课程或文学课程, film, art history, or visual culture course focused on China at any course level.


Japanese Language Minor

Students minor in Japanese language by taking five courses. Of these five:

  • four courses are required in Japanese; and
  • 一门额外的课程可以是高级日语课程或文学课程, film, art history, or visual culture course focused on Japan at any course level.


Additional Information and Program Policies

Major and Minors Policies

  • One first-year writing seminar can count toward the major or minors;

  • One course taken with the Credit/D/Fail grading option may count toward the major or minors as long as a CR (credit) is earned; if the course is taken for the major, it must not be at the 3000 level;

  • 学生的成绩必须达到C或C以上,才能算作主修或辅修课程;

  • 中级和高级水平的独立学习计入主修课程和辅修课程. There is no limit on the number of independent studies which may count toward the major and the minors; and

  • One course may be allowed to double-count toward the major or minors.

  • Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate scores, in addition to the language placement exam, are only used for placement. 

Off-Campus Study

Study abroad is highly recommended. Established programs in the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are available for students interested in China. Students are particularly encouraged to attend the ACC, CET, and IUP programs and the Middlebury Program in Kunming. The SILS at Waseda University, IES at Nanzan University, and JCMU programs are recommended for students interested in Japan, 但学生可以根据自己的学术兴趣选择其他课程. 学生应咨询他们的导师和亚洲研究办公室或网站, as well as the Office of International Programs and Off-Campus Study, for information about these and other programs.

最多三个校外学习学分(不包括第一年和第二年的语言课程)可以计入专业. 校外学习(不包括语言课程)最多可计入辅修学分.

Program Honors


  • 在项目课程设置或专业范围内的GPA达到B+或更高;
  • a clearly articulated and well-focused research topic; and
  • a high measure of academic motivation and commitment.

亚洲研究的荣誉项目是一项重要的学术事业. It is at once an opportunity and a responsibility. 它允许学生在他们选择的领域进行深入的研究, work closely with several faculty advisors, and contribute their voice to an ongoing scholarly dialogue. 它把学生带进图书馆,有时甚至带出校园,寻找学生自己制作的材料和想法. 在很多方面,这也是教师们在自己的学术工作中所做的事情.

我们强烈建议有兴趣攻读亚洲研究荣誉项目的学生在大三春季学期早期咨询他们的导师. 荣誉项目需要两个学期的工作,这两个学期都可以计入专业要求. 

Information for Incoming Students

考虑学习亚洲研究专业的学生应该被告知,专业需要学习两年的东亚语言(中文或日语)或相当于一年的南亚语言(例如)的强化课程, Hindi, 这是皇冠体育不提供的,但可以通过海外学习项目来完成。). 中文和日语的入门课程只在秋季学期开始,并在春季继续.  在第一学期学习日语或汉语将有助于学生为亚洲研究专业做准备,如果他们愿意,也会更容易去亚洲留学.

在高中学习过日语/汉语的学生,应根据他们今年夏天的分班考试成绩和语言咨询,获得分班推荐. 不能参加分班考试的学生应尽快向日语/汉语教师咨询.

For questions about Chinese language, please contact Professor Xiaoke Jia. For questions about Japanese language, please contact Professor Hiroo Aridome.

这是官方皇冠体育目录和学术手册的摘录. View the Catalogue