
以下是一些皇冠体育亚洲研究专业学生的荣誉项目, 独立研究项目, and other achievements that reflect these students' passion for their chosen area of study.

亚洲研究奖: Awarded to a member of the senior class majoring in 亚洲研究 who has attained an exceptional cumulative average in 亚洲研究 courses and/or undertaken an advanced independent study or honors project in the major.

中文奖: Awarded to a student with demonstrated motivation and commitment to the study of Chinese language and culture.

日语奖: Awarded to a student who demonstrates excellence in Japanese language and contributes to cross-cultural understanding through service or research.



Pauline Marie Unietis won the Goldsmith Adams Research Award to pursue her project "Chinese Language at Princeton in Beijing."

Yujin Moon was awarded the Wolstencroft Fellowship to pursue their project "Princeton In Beijing Language Program and its influence on my future career as a Chinese herbal medicine researcher."



西本光木因其荣誉项目获得最高荣誉: Meme Butterfly: Tracing Heterogeneity and Agency in Madame Butterfly and Her Diasporic Descendants

索菲亚·沃克因她的荣誉项目获得了最高荣誉: 战争的伤痕:恶魔母亲作为受害者的渠道, 战后日本电影中的集体内疚与宽恕, 1949-1964 




Mairead Campbell won a Wolstencroft China Fellowship to pursue her project titled "Global Mindset: Studying in China with Princeton in Beijing."

Ethan Barkalow won the Goldsmith Adams Research Award to pursue his project titled "Urban Space on the Frontier: The Development of Sapporo in Meiji Japan."



阿科斯塔,麦琪,“印度的 Janana Suraksha Yojana(Safe Motherhood Programme): State Intervention and the Power to Control Birth" (瑞秋Sturman, 独立研究指导教师

Adoumie, 劳拉, "Comparison of Legal Response to Communal Violence in the 1993 Bombay Riots and the 2002 Gujarat Riots: Shifting Frameworks and Discourses on Culpability" (瑞秋Sturman, 独立研究指导教师

卡特, 凯瑟琳, 《皇冠体育》(樱圣诞), 独立研究指导教师

Faucher, 格雷戈勒, “黑社会——商业行为和与警察的关系”(亨利·劳伦斯), 独立研究指导教师

Sangsuradej, Ponpavi, “土著劳工和缅甸公路的建设”(樱圣诞), 独立研究指导教师

奥巴马, 莉莉, “殖民时期韩国的‘新女性’”(樱圣诞), 独立研究指导教师

张, 依琳娜, “中国少数民族与全球人类学虚构”(贝琳达·孔), 独立研究指导教师



界定非专业法官制度的民主变革; 马修,亚历山德拉


科尔曼, 凯蒂, “历史, 理论, and practices of ink painting" (独立研究指导老师王佩琪)

砍伐树木的人, 特蕾莎, "Layering Assurance: Depictions of Disease in Pre-Modern and Early Modern Japan"(Jayanthi Selinger,独立研究学院顾问)

杨, Younghyun, “日本在朝鲜殖民主义的史学”(特里斯坦·格鲁诺), 独立研究指导教师


贾斯汀Ehringhaus received the first Japanese Language Prize at the 19th Annual Honors Day Celebration.

Yunhui Jeong received the first Chinese Language Prize at the 19th Annual Honors Day Celebration.

玛格丽特一. 布莱恩被选入JET项目.

贾斯汀Ehringhaus recommended by Consul General of Japan for MEXT (Ministry of Education and Technology) Scholarship to fund a year of study at Hiroshima University in Japan.

凯文·麦肯齐(Kevin Mackenzie)获得了一份美国.S. 中国大连国家重点语言奖学金获得者.


紫Ranson, 戈德史密斯·亚当斯研究奖获得者, 他在东京过夏天, 在日本天普大学进行研究实习, 日本校园对福岛第一核电站灾难进行社会学研究.

贾斯汀Ehringhaus, 亚历山德拉马修, and Tianchen Zhou all placed in a recent Japanese language contest organized by the Consulate General of Japan in Boston.

Ponpavi Sangsuradej获得Wolstencroft中国奖学金.




Beyond contemporary "Chinese" art : interpreting post-'80 art and artists from Sichuan, China, 李Hongbei

Rebalancing economic growth in China : the importance of Special Economic Zones and Yuan convertibil
, 詹姆斯·塔克

Village loudspeakers to virtual chatrooms : mass media and multigenerational memory in Sino-Japanese, 罗斯柴尔德,维奥拉·罗兰


李,子琪,安 伊敏and defender of Chinese heritage: 张 Daqian's landscape paintings on self-exile"


张, Yiran, "The Horizontal Construction of Asian American Identity by the Positioning of an Individual"


赵, Yu, “青年, 无家可归, 20世纪90年代和21世纪初日本电影的社会归属感缺失

(Shu-chin徐 & Jayanthi Selinger,独立研究学院顾问)

Honegger, 让•保罗•, "Changing Nuclear Identities: Nuclear Protest in India and Japan in the Pre and Post-Fukushima World"


Talbot, Ashley, <男子气概与日本男性偶像:以岚为例>

(Jayanthi Selinger,独立研究学院顾问)


Viola Rothschild在中国获得富布赖特研究奖.

玛雅·利特尔被授予美国.S. 国家重点语言奖学金中文系.


Yu 赵 won first place in the Consulate General in Japan in Boston Japanese Language Contest.

凯瑟琳 卡特 won second place in the Consulate General in Japan in Boston Japanese Language Contest.

特蕾莎 Fuller selected to do research in the sciences at the USTIP Program at University of Tokyo Kashiwa campus, 但拒绝.

J. Tang received a Maine Space Grant - Swarm Artificial Intelligence with Stephen Majercik.



From Demo to the Diet : political participation among postwar Japanese labor unions
, 博加德斯,威廉·里夫斯

会昌镇压时期的佛教、抵抗与王朝合法性 麦克斯韦·约瑟夫·布兰德斯塔特

, Kristofferson凯伦麦


理发师, 卡洛琳, "Monogatari no wayaku to eiyaku no kokoromi (A foray into translating fiction from Japanese to English and English to Japanese)"
(Jayanthi Selinger,独立研究学院顾问)

法勒, 朱莉安娜, "Ningen wa jidai ya bunka ni yotte osoreru mono wa chigau (What People Fear Differs Based on Culture and Time Period)"
(Jayanthi Selinger,独立研究学院顾问)

Li, 自弃, "Caught Between the Market and the Ideal: A Case Study of Yu Hong's Work and the Art Market"




Kim Lacey入选JET项目.


Will Bogardus received Grua/O'Connell Research Award to support travel to Japan related to his honors project on 1960s labor movements in Japan.

Kim Lacey in JPN 206 won the third prize in an essay contest organized by the Consulate General of Japan in Boston.
