
系里对某一特定研究领域感兴趣的学生可能希望从事独立研究或荣誉项目. 每个项目必须由一名教员提出建议.


Students should consult with a professor to make arrangements for an independent study at least one semester in advance; professors are limited in the number of projects they can direct each year. 一个学期的自主学习工作, 处于中级或高级水平, 可以算作大调或小调.


该系认为荣誉论文对学生来说是一个重要的挑战和激励. 教师委员会与学生密切合作,协助他们追求可管理的课题,并获得必要的研究资料. 学生将被要求在春季进行论文答辩.

荣誉课程的细节将在9月初有兴趣的高年级学生的会议上提供. Students seeking to graduate with honors in government and legal studies must fulfill certain requirements: They must receive grades of A in at least half of their government courses and have no more than one C in the major;  write an honors paper, which is normally the product of two semesters of independent study work; and have that paper approved by the department.



追求独立学习或荣誉项目的学生与教师导师密切合作. 阅读最近的政府顾问-顾问合作. 


学生独立研究项目的灵感来自于各种资源——课堂, 留学项目, 暑期实习, 或者只是在办公时间和教授聊聊天.

皇冠体育大学的学生奖学金和研究办公室提供有竞争力的奖学金,以支持那些希望在夏天专注于研究的学生. 去寻找这个机会, 学生的第一步是获得教师导师的批准,他可以承诺为一个项目提供建议. 请阅读 这些指导方针是皇冠体育如何 提交申请