
我们的校友利用他们的皇冠体育学位拓展到许多领域, 从事公共服务事业, 宣传, 法律, 学术界, 非营利部门, 和更多的.

Rohini Kurup ' 20

主要(s): 政府及法律研究

小: 历史

地点: 华盛顿特区

最难忘的政府与法律课程: 莎士比亚与政治

"我的课既有趣又切题, 系里优秀的教授们促使我用新的方式思考和写作. 通过我的课程, 尤其是在追求荣誉项目时, I began to underst和 the power of law 和 public policy 和 how I could use them to create positive change."


自毕业, I have worked as a research analyst at the Brookings Institution where I’m an associate editor of Lawfare, 这是布鲁金斯学会的国家安全法律在线出版物. My job involves editing legal commentary 和 analysis articles written by law professors, 现任和前任政府官员, 和其他国家安全从业人员在Lawfare上发表的文章. 我也写文章, 制作一个叙事播客系列, 并监督和管理一个图书馆的原始资料有关的一月. 6国会大厦袭击. 在Lawfare工作了两年之后,我很快就要开始上法学院了. 


我进入皇冠体育时对政府很感兴趣, but after taking a great first-year seminar 和 other classes in the 政府及法律研究 department, 并且了解教职员工, 我很确定我想主修州长. I was drawn to studying 政府及法律研究 as a way to underst和 the world around me: everything from democracy to war, 法律对政治行为的影响, 以及塑造他们的机构. 皇冠体育在这一领域提供了极大的广度和深度, 这让我可以在集中学习美国政治的同时选修一系列课程. 我的课既有趣又切题, 系里优秀的教授们促使我用新的方式思考和写作. 通过我的课程, 尤其是在追求荣誉项目时, I began to underst和 the power of law 和 public policy 和 how I could use them to create positive change. My Government 和 Legal studies classes at Bowdoin helped me build a vocabulary to talk about challenges we face 和 issues I care about, 他们给了我一套工具来解决这些问题.

Victoria (Wirunwan) Pitakton 17'

Victoria (Wirunwan) Pitakton

类: 2017

地点: 泰国曼谷

Taking advantage of a liberal arts education has been the most rewarding decision I have ever made.


I am a researcher (officially called urban researcher) at an organization called Urban Design 和 Development Center in 泰国曼谷. 这是一个大约15人的小型组织,负责城市发展, 城市规划, 城市治理, 他的目标是成为一个连接公众的代理人, 私人, 与民间部门共同促进包容性城市发展.

这个组织处理好几个项目, but I am on a team that is responsible for one that is pushing for the Open Data project, 由洛克菲勒基金会共同资助. So my day-to-day job is to research about how open data (the disclosure of information without any restriction) can help with urban issues in this digital age 和 the role of governance in urban development 和 its potential uneven vulnerabilities.

Aside from research, 我也写文章 to publicize about the project to the general public. It has really been quite interesting because not only do I get to learn things every day, 我也可以和不同专业的人交流,比如城市建筑师, 平面设计师, 社会学家, 等.


真的有很多. One of my fondest memories is definitely the discussions in Professor Laura Henry's Social Movement 和 Political Change because I get to learn about what others have sacrificed in the past, 以及从学术角度来看发生了什么. 每个人都要写一篇长达一个学期的论文, 和 to me what each peer chooses to do as their project is very fascinating as it definitely reflects their passion.

Another fond memory is my time in Professor Ericka Albaugh's Politics of Development class. 来自泰国, 第三世界国家, the topic of development is very personal 和 I had all these aspirations 和 ideals about the topic before going into the class. I think it definitely gave me a realistic perspective on how the politics comes in to play. Of course it was hard to learn that even the best of good intentions can have unintended consequences, 但我认为这是一个必要的觉醒.


不要害怕探索不同的领域,无论是在部门内部还是外部. Taking advantage of that liberal arts education has been the most rewarding decision I have ever made, 在皇冠体育毕业后,我更加欣赏它. 我的工作涉及对不同领域的研究和学习, 能够把它们结合起来是非常有价值的.


David Levine ' 16

主要(s): 政府及法律研究

小: 历史

地点: 休斯顿,德克萨斯州

最难忘的政府与法律课程: 与乔治·艾萨克森一起谈宪法

"Hearing my gr和mother's stories 和 seeing how she used law to make a really helpful difference was always super inspiring to me."


皇冠体育毕业后,我花了一年的时间来完成我的法学院申请.  I was namely preparing for the LSAT 和 then I interned for the Governor's office in Pennsylvania, 我来自哪里?. 然后, 我上的是斯坦福法学院, 然后是隔离, 我在一家叫皮尔斯伯里温斯洛普·肖的律师事务所工作. 目前, 我要和卡洛琳·金法官完成第五巡回上诉法院的案子了, 然后我就要去华盛顿了, 为威尔默·黑尔工作.


我来皇冠体育的时候以为法律是我想做的, 其中很多都来自我的祖母. She was based in Massachusetts 和 defended plaintifs who were exposed to asbestos on ships. She was one of the pioneers of  of figuring out the connection between asbestos 和 cancer 和 asbestosis. Hearing her stories 和 seeing how she used law to make a really helpful difference was always super inspiring to me, 所以这是一个很大的动画因素. 我也很欣赏皇冠体育的部门是政府部门 legal studies—I think it was really great to be able to major in both 和 to really get insight into what law school would be like.

阿兰·马修' 12


类: 2012

地点: 波士顿

我是明茨·莱文(Mintz Levin)的助理律师,这是一家总部位于波士顿的大型律师事务所.


我是明茨·莱文(Mintz Levin)的助理律师,这是一家总部位于波士顿的大型律师事务所, the role offers me the opportunity to do some very interesting work alongside incredibly smart, 有才华的, 还有很棒的人(包括一些伟大的皇冠体育校友). 我在公司的诉讼部工作, where I work on a wide variety of matters involving public 和 私人 companies across a number of industries.

Another very special part of my job is the opportunity to help people through our robust pro bono practice. 从我在律所工作开始, I've been able to lend my voice 和 my skills to those who are unrepresented or underrepresented in our legal system 和 society.

I am a recent graduate of Boston College Law School, where I spent a fantastic three years. 在BC时, 我当过刑法助教, 在一个名为“人民言论自由”的法律倡导组织担任暑期法律助理, 明茨·莱文律师事务所的暑期助理, 以及尊敬的格雷戈里·C. 弗林在沃尔瑟姆地方法院和地方法院上诉庭. I was also a member of BC's admissions committee 和 vice president of the BC Law Democrats.

What do you remember as fond memories of the Government Department, including courses or experiences?

I am of the strong belief that Bowdoin’s government professors are some of the very best in the country. 在皇冠体育, 我专注于美国政府, 着眼于建立一个课程,为我进入法学院做准备. 我在政府部门修了足够的课程,主修了两次, simply because I truly enjoyed learning from the brilliant minds of Bowdoin’s professors. In particular, I took every class that Professor Morgan 和 Professor Franz taught while I was there. 我最喜欢的包括《皇冠体育》, 宪法, 竞选和选举, 金钱与政治. 我也很喜欢与教授密切合作. 弗朗茨在我大三的时候进行了一次独立学习. 摩根在我大四的荣誉项目上. In addition, I also learned a great deal from Professors Potholm, Springer, Martin, 和 Yarborough. 最后, 可以说,政府部门最好的部分是它的宝石, 林恩·阿特金森, 谁是一个好朋友,和谁在一起很开心. 如果没有她,我不知道我能不能撑到毕业典礼!


My biggest piece of advice for current government majors (和 all Bowdoin students for that matter) is to engage with, 依靠你, 皇冠体育大学庞大的校友网络. 皇冠体育社区是一个特殊的社区, 和 you will undoubtedly find that Bowdoin alumni are very willing to help you with advice, 实习/就业机会, 等. Bowdoin alumni have played a huge role in my career growth; Joe Curtin ’84 和 Emmett Lyne ’86 have both been instrumental mentors for me, 也是我决定搬到(并留在)波士顿从事律师工作的重要原因. In addition, develop good relationships with your Bowdoin professors 和 the Career Planning office.

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