
Biology Major

生物学专业的学生可以通过完成整合生物学专业的任一门课程来满足其专业要求, the Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology concentration, 或分子和细胞生物学浓度. Each concentration consists of twelve courses, 包括至少八门本系课程, 不包括独立学习或荣誉项目和1100以下的课程.

Integrative Biology Concentration

Required Courses
BIOL 1102Biological Principles II1
or BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology
Select one of the following:1
CHEM 1092
CHEM 1102
Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM 1109
General Chemistry
any other CHEM course above 1109
从以下两个系中任选两门1100分以上的课程: a2
计算机科学、地球与海洋学、物理学等 MATH 1300 or higher.
包括生物(a科课程),或其中一门课程 MATH 1300 or higher.
从以下三组中各选择一门核心课程: b3
Group 1
BIOL 2112
Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2118
BIOL 2124
Biochemistry and Cell Biology
BIOL 2135
BIOL 2175
Developmental Biology
Group 2
BIOL 2135
BIOL 2175
Developmental Biology
BIOL 2210
Plant Ecophysiology
BIOL 2214
Comparative Animal and Human Physiology
Group 3
BIOL 2316
BIOL 2319
Biology of Marine Organisms
BIOL 2327
Select four elective biology courses above 1100. c4


Required Courses
BIOL 1102Biological Principles II1
or BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology
BIOL 3308生态学、进化论和海洋生物学研究1
Select one of the following:1
CHEM 1092
CHEM 1102
Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM 1109
General Chemistry
any other CHEM course above 1109
Select one of the following:1
a mathematics course 1300 or higher
PSYC 2520
Data Analysis
Select two of the following:2
BIOL 2327
BIOL 2316
BIOL 2319
Biology of Marine Organisms
or BIOL 2333
Benthic Ecology
Breadth in the biological sciences
Select one from each of the following groups:2
Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOL 2112
Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2118
BIOL 2124
Biochemistry and Cell Biology
BIOL 2175
Developmental Biology
Integrative Physiology
BIOL 2210
Plant Ecophysiology
BIOL 2214
Comparative Animal and Human Physiology
BIOL 2135
Select two from the advanced topics options:2
BIOL 2503
Methods in Ocean Change Ecology
BIOL 2557
BIOL 2581
Forest Ecology and Conservation
BIOL 3280
Plant Responses to the Environment
BIOL 3117
Current Topics and Research in Marine Science
BIOL 3307
Evolutionary Developmental Biology
BIOL 3309
BIOL 3317
Molecular Evolution
BIOL 3381
Ecological Genetics
BIOL 3554
Natural and Computational Science
Select two of the following:2
BIOL 1101
Biological Principles I
BIOL 1174
BIOL 2210
BIOL 2319
BIOL 2333
BIOL 3314
Advanced Genetics and Epigenetics
CHEM 2050
Environmental Chemistry
CHEM 2250
Organic Chemistry I
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computer Science (or higher)
ENVS 2004
GIS and Remote Sensing: Understanding Place
ENVS 2201
Perspectives in Environmental Science
EOS 1505
EOS 2005
Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change
EOS 2525
Marine Biogeochemistry
PHYS 1130
Introductory Physics I
or PHYS 1140
Introductory Physics II

Molecular and Cellular Biology Concentration

Required Courses d
BIOL 1102
Biological Principles II
or BIOL 1109
Scientific Reasoning in Biology
Foundation in Molecular and Cellular Biology4
BIOL 2112
Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIOL 2124
Biochemistry and Cell Biology
BIOL 2118
or BIOL 2175
Developmental Biology
BIOL 2316
BIOL 2130 Population Genomics
Advanced Topics in Molecular and Cellular Biology1
Select one of the following:
BIOL 2551 Molecular Ecology
BIOL 2553
BIOL 2566
Molecular Neurobiology
BIOL 2557
BIOL 3304
The RNA World
BIOL 3307
Evolutionary Developmental Biology
BIOL 3314
Advanced Genetics and Epigenetics
BIOL 3317
Molecular Evolution
BIOL 3333
Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology
Seminar in Molecular and Cellular Biology1
Select one from the following:
BIOL 3304
The RNA World
BIOL 3307
Evolutionary Developmental Biology
BIOL 3314
Advanced Genetics and Epigenetics
BIOL 3317
Molecular Evolution
BIOL 3333
Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology
Other Natural and Computational Science courses
Select one of the following:1
CHEM 1092
CHEM 1102
Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM 1109
General Chemistry
CHEM 2250Organic Chemistry I1
Select two physical, mathematical, statistical, or computational courses, each from a different group below: 2
Computer Science above 1100
Physics above 1100
Math above 1299 or PSYC 2520
Select one of the following:1
BIOL 1101
Biological Principles I
Any BIOL course numbered 2000 or higher
CHEM 2320

Biology Minor

辅修课程包括本系的五门课程, 不包括独立学习和1100级以下课程.

Required Courses
BIOL 1102Biological Principles II1
or BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology
Select two core courses. e,f,g2
Select two elective biology courses above 1100.2

Additional Information and Department Policies

Students are advised to complete BIOL 1102 Biological Principles II or BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology 二年级结束时,还要修化学专业的课程. 计划攻读科学或卫生专业研究生教育的学生应注意,研究生院和专业学校可能对化学有额外的入学要求, mathematics, and physics. 强烈建议学生就专业设计与教师进行协商,并通过独立研究讨论研究项目的选择, fellowship-funded summer research, and honors projects. 计划从事卫生专业的学生应联系 Seth Ramus, director of health professions advising.

The biology department participates in the biochemistry, environmental studies, and neuroscience programs. 主修或辅修生物学的学生不能同时主修生物化学或神经科学.

With departmental approval, 学生可以将在其他学院或大学修过的课程计入所学专业. 通常情况下,生物学专业不能有超过两个学分的转学,辅修专业不能有超过一个学分的转学. 



Grade Requirements

主修或辅修课程只允许一个D. 这个D必须被另一门课程的B或更高的成绩所抵消,这门课程也是主修或辅修的必修课程. 主修或辅修课程必须以常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)。.

Information for Incoming Students

皇冠体育,大多数对探索生物学感兴趣的学生一开始都会选这两门课 BIOL 1101 Biological Principles I or BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology. BIOL 1101 Biological Principles I 这是两学期生物学入门课程的第一课吗.  Each year BIOL 1101 Biological Principles I is offered in the fall semester and BIOL 1102 Biological Principles II is offered in the spring semester, 允许学生在接下来的一年中探索2000级的生物课程. BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology 一个学期的生物学入门课程是为学生在接下来的学期探索2000级课程做准备吗. BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology is offered every semester.


  • Enroll in BIOL 1101 Biological Principles I
  • Contact Pamela Bryer 讨论安置(这一类保留给那些对边界的建议 BIOL 1101 Biological Principles I or BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology)
  • Enroll in BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology
  • Enroll in a 2000-level biology course (a small number of students receive this placement; students seeking this placement should contact Professor Barry Logan)

入学的一年级学生应该在入学前的夏天参加生物安置和QR考试.  AP/IB分数将结合生物和QR考试的信息来推荐学生. 在课程注册期间,学生要求编号在1099以上的生物课程,需要一个安置推荐.

如果学生在入学前的夏天没有完成这些考试,但希望参加生物系课程, 他们应立即完成生物分班测试并通知 Pamela Bryer 一旦完成,就可以为他们提出建议. 

这是官方皇冠体育目录和学术手册的摘录. View the Catalogue