

艺术历史 Major

The art 历史 major consists of ten courses.

Required 课程
Select one introductory ARTH course (numbered 1100–1999).1
Select one of the following:1
One ARTH course numbered 1100-1999
One ARTH first year writing seminar (1000-1049)
One 视觉艺术 (VART) course
Culture 和 Crisis in Modern 和 Contemporary Japanese Art
Art 和 Revolution in Modern China
From Mao to Now: Contemporary Chinese Art
Power 和 Politics in Pre-modern Chinese Art
ARTH 2090/ARCH 1101
Greek Archaeology
ARTH 2100/ARCH 1102
Roman Archaeology
ARTH 2130 Art of Three Faiths: Christian, 犹太人, 和 Islamic Art 和 Architecture, Third to Twelfth Centuries
The Gothic World
Illuminated Manuscripts 和 Early Printed Books
ARTH 2260 Northern European Art of the Fifteenth 和 Sixteenth Centuries
The Medici's Italy: Art, Politics, 和 Religion, 1300-1600
The 艺术 of Venice
Monstrosity 和 Elegance: Mannerism in European Court Art, 1500-1600.
Art in the Age of Velazquez, Rembr和t, 和 Caravaggio
Realism 和 Its Discontents: European Art, 1839-1900
Shoot, Snap, Instagram: A History of Photography in America
The Art of Making 和 Meaning
Contemporary Art
American Art I: Colonial Period to the Civil War
American Art from the Civil War to 1945
Select two additional ARTH courses numbered 2000 or higher.2
Select two advanced ARTH seminars (numbered 3000–3999).2

艺术历史 Minor

Required 课程
Select one introductory ARTH course (numbered 1100-1999).1
Select two intermediate ARTH courses (numbered 2000–2999).2
Select one advanced ARTH course (numbered 3000–3999).1
Select one additional ARTH course at any level. a1

主修和辅修课程必须以常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)。, 和 students must earn grades of C- or better in these courses.

Seminars in 艺术历史

研讨会的目的是利用部门成员的学术兴趣,并为已成功完成足够正规课程以具备足够背景的选定学生提供进阶工作的机会. 系里不希望每个学期都有研讨会,或者在某些情况下不希望有任何研讨会. As the seminars are varied, a given topic may be offered only once, or its form changed considerably from time to time.


视觉艺术 Major

The major consists of eleven courses.

Required 课程
VART 1101画我1
Select two of the following:2
VART 1201
VART 1401
VART 1601
VART 1701
Digital Media I
VART 3902Advanced Studio1
选择一门3000级的视觉艺术课程,通常被称为指导独立工作室实践. c1
Select four additional visual arts electives. d4
Select two courses in art 历史.2

视觉艺术 Minor

The minor consists of six courses.

Required 课程
VART 1101画我1
Select one of the following:1
VART 1201
VART 1401
VART 1601
VART 1701
Digital Media I
Select three additional visual arts courses. e3
Select one course in art 历史 at any level.1

主修和辅修课程必须以常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)。, 和 students must earn grades of C- or better in these courses.

在另一所学院或大学学习的最多两门工作室视觉艺术课程和一门艺术史课程(总共三门课程)可以计入视觉艺术专业或辅修专业, with departmental approval of that transfer credit.

Visual arts courses without prerequisites are frequently oversubscribed; registration preference is then given to first- 和 second-year students, 以及满足视觉艺术专业或辅修专业要求的大三和大四学生.

Interdisciplinary Majors

艺术史参与艺术史和考古学的跨学科项目, 和 in art 历史 和 visual arts. 艺术史专业的学生可以选择与数字和计算研究相协调的专业, environmental studies, 或教育. 看到 Interdisciplinary Majors.

视觉艺术参与艺术史和视觉艺术的跨学科项目. 视觉艺术专业的学生可以选择与数字和计算相关的专业, environmental studies, 或教育. 看到 Interdisciplinary Majors.

Additional Information 和 Department 政策


  • 在艺术史预修考试中获得最低四分的学生可以用艺术史专业和艺术史辅修课程的任何高级课程代替一门入门艺术史课程(编号1100-1999). 为了获得大学先修课程或国际学士学位课程的学分, 学生必须在皇冠体育大学二年级结束前将他们的成绩正式报告给注册办公室.
  • 艺术史专业和辅修专业可以将一门课程与另一门专业或辅修课程重复计算,只要课程与艺术史交叉列出. 
  • 艺术史专业的学生也被鼓励选修外国语言和文学课程, 历史, 哲学, 宗教, 和 the other arts.
  • 另一所学院或大学的一学期最多两门课程可以计入艺术史专业,并获得院系批准的转学分. If a student studies away for a full academic year, 其他学院或大学的三门课程经部门批准可计入其艺术史专业.
  • 只有一个学期的一门课程,从另一个学院或大学的研究可以计算为学生的艺术史辅修与部门的批准.


  • Students who receive a four on the Studio Art: 2-D Design, Studio Art: 3-D Design, or Studio Art: Drawing AP exams, 和完整的 VART 1101 画我VART 1201 版画我VART 1401 摄影我, or VART 1601 雕塑我, with a minimum grade of B-, are eligible to receive a general credit toward their degree, but not major/minor credit. 如果学生在一门以上的考试中取得分数,则只会获得一个总学分. For information on credit for International Baccalaureate scores, please see the visual arts department. 为了获得大学先修课程或国际学士学位课程的学分, 学生必须在皇冠体育大学二年级结束前将他们的成绩正式报告给注册办公室.
  • 视觉艺术专业的主修和辅修课程可以与其他主修或辅修课程重复计算,只要该课程与视觉艺术交叉列出.

Information for Incoming Students: 艺术历史

艺术史提供了通过视觉艺术来理解我们的世界和历史的途径. We look at the ways people have expressed their ideas, responded to their experiences, 和 created the world they lived in through paintings, 雕塑, 建筑, 家具, 珠宝, 彩色玻璃, 还有更多.  By teaching you how to look closely, 艺术史为你提供了一种新的方式来思考你周围的图像和物体.

Art 历史 is offering two first-year writing seminars this fall: 分1022 Living in a Material World: Thinking 和 Writing with Art 和 Architecture分1027 Saints, Monsters, 和 Marvels: Visualizing the Invisible in Medieval Art. First-year students are also welcome to join all our 1000- 和 2000- level courses. 1000级的课程提供了更广泛的艺术史主题的一般介绍: 分1120 Introduction to 艺术历史: The Body in East Asian Art. 2000级课程允许学生更深入地研究特定的主题和时期, 但不要求学生之前有艺术史方面的经验: 分2150 Illuminated Manuscripts 和 Early Printed Books, 分2190 Culture 和 Crisis in Modern 和 Contemporary Japanese Art分2560 Women, Gender, And Sexuality in Western European 和 American Art, 1500 to Present.

Information for Incoming Students: 视觉艺术

VART 1101 画我, VART 1201 版画我VART 1401 摄影我, VART 1601 雕塑我 or VART 1701 Digital Media I are recommended to all students as a starting place in the visual arts curriculum, regardless of previous studio art experience. 这些课程没有先决条件,也不需要事先具备知识或才能, only a strong interest in the subject 和 the willingness to work. 我们强烈欢迎和鼓励从未上过艺术课的学生. 


入门学分:学生申请AP学分或以前大学学分的专业或辅修课程将由院系根据具体情况进行讨论. We do not waive the requirement of VART 1101 画我 as a major or minor requirement or as a prerequisite for VART 1301 画我.

这是官方皇冠体育目录和学术手册的摘录. View the Catalogue