
Theater and Dance Major


Theater Concentration

Required Courses
Two introductory theater courses at the 1000 level2
Two theater courses at the 2000 level2
One dramatic literature course a1
一门2000级或更高水平的表演理论课程,比如 THTR 2410, 2500-2599或3500-3599或DANC 2500-2599或3500-35991
One elective at the 3000 level in theater1
One capstone credit at the 3000 level or higher b1

Dance Concentration

Required Courses
DANC 1104
DANC 1211
Introduction to Modern Dance
DANC 1213
Introduction to Caribbean Dances and Cultures
DANC 2204
Intermediate Improvisation and Partnering
DANC 2211 Modern II: Technique
DANC 2221 Intermediate Ballet and Beyond
DANC 2241
Afro-Modern II Techniques and Histories
DANC 3211
Advanced Modern Dance
DANC 3212
Advanced Repertory and Performance
DANC 3223
Advanced Dancing for Challenging Times
DANC 1101
Making Dances in the Digital Age
DANC 2401
DANC 3210
DANC 3242
Advanced Afro-Modern: Dancing Towards Social Change
DANC 3404 Advanced Dance Composition
2000年或更高水平的剧目课程的两个学分,例如: 2
DANC 1212 Modern I: Repertory & Performance
DANC 2212
Modern II: Repertory and Performance
DANC 2242 Afro-Modern II: Repertory & Performance
DANC 3212
Advanced Repertory and Performance
DANC 3222 Modern IV: Repertory & Performance
DANC 3405
两个性能理论课程,其中一个必须达到2000或更高的水平,如 DANC 1500-1599, DANC 2500-2599或3200-3299,或THTR 2500-2599或3200-32992
One elective in dance or theater at any level1
One capstone credit at the 3000 level or higher a1

Interdisciplinary Concentration

Required Courses
Three courses at the introductory level; one in dance (1000—1299, 1400—1999), one in theater (1000—1299, 1400—1999), and one in design or stagecraft (1300—1399)3
One theater course at the 2000 level1
One dance course at the 2000 level1
One dramatic literature course a1
2000年或更高水平的一门绩效理论课程,将正式和非正式的绩效作为解释世界的一种方式. THTR 2410, 2500-2599或DANC 2500-2599, THTR 3500-3599或DANC 3500-3599
One elective in theater or dance at the 3000 level1
One capstone credit at the 3000 level or higher b1

Theater Minor


1门1000级课程(1000 - 1049、1100-1399、1501-1599)
1门历史/理论课程(THTR 1501-1599、2500-2599、3500-3599)
另外三门课程,包括至少两门2000年或以上水平的课程 c

Dance Minor


Select one creative process course:1
DANC 1101
Making Dances in the Digital Age
DANC 1102
Cultural Choreographies: An Introduction to Dance
DANC 1104
DANC 2401
One history/theory course (DANC 1501—1599; THTR 1501—1599, 2500—2599, 3500—3599)1
DANC 1211
Introduction to Modern Dance
DANC 2211 Modern II: Technique
DANC 2221 Intermediate Ballet and Beyond
DANC 2241
Afro-Modern II Techniques and Histories
DANC 3221 Modern IV: Technique
DANC 1212 Modern I: Repertory & Performance
DANC 2212
Modern II: Repertory and Performance
DANC 3212
Advanced Repertory and Performance
DANC 3222 Modern IV: Repertory and Performance
One elective (DANC 1000—3999)1

Interdisciplinary Major

该系开设了英语和戏剧的跨学科专业. See the Interdisciplinary Majors.

Additional Information and Department Policies

  • 学生只能从学分/D/不及格的课程中获得一个以上的主修或辅修学分.
  • 学生必须获得C-或更高的成绩,才能将一门课程计入主修或辅修要求.

Students may earn a grade of CR (credit) in THTR 1700 Department Production 并将其计入主要或次要要求. We no longer offer half credit courses.

  • Typically, 在其他学院或大学修过的一门课程,经院系批准,可以算作主修或副修课程. 主修或副修科目不得多于一门系外课程, except by advance departmental permission.
  • 一门课程不能满足一个以上的主要或次要要求.
  • 一年级的写作课可以算作主修课和辅修课.
  • 独立学习的一个学分可以计入主修或辅修科目.  如果一个学生选择独立学习来完成他们的专业顶点, 独立学习的两个学分可以计入专业.
  • 荣誉提案的截止日期为5月1日,学生开始他们的大四在秋季和12月1日,学生开始他们的大四在春季.
  • 大学先修课程和国际学士学位不计入学分.
  • 主修和辅修课程不得重复计算与其他部门或项目的任何课程.

Information for Incoming Students


  • 很少或没有舞蹈经验的学生应报名参加: DANC 1101 Making Dances in the Digital Age  or DANC 1105 Introduction to Hip-Hop . 这些课程对所有学生开放,无论经验如何,也没有任何先决条件.
  • 以前有舞蹈经验的学生可以通过试镜报名参加高级课程: DANC 3212 Advanced Repertory and Performance. Please reach out to Professor Gwyneth Jones for more information.


  • 有或没有戏剧经验的学生应报名参加: THTR 1201 Acting I: Developing Presence, THTR 1203 Performance and Narrative  THTR 1302 Principles of Design, and/or THTR 1303 Visual Storytelling for Theater and Dance. 请注意,这些课程符合戏剧专业的要求,应尽早完成.
  • 2024年春季部门生产的试镜将在2023年秋季学期进行.  Interested students should contact Rani Long for more information. Auditions will be publicized on the student digests. 

这是官方皇冠体育目录和学术手册的摘录. View the Catalogue