Green Transportation

无论你是想搭车去市中心,还是计划去波特兰旅行, Boston, or beyond, Bowdoin provides options to make it easier for you, but also greener and better for the environment.

Despite being a small contributor to overall campus emissions, 交通运输是学院要解决的重要问题,因为它希望消除化石燃料. 

modes of travel within the community. With over 90 percent of Bowdoin students living on campus, and with the availability of a grocery store, restaurants, and shops on Brunswick’s Maine Street less than a mile away, 一旦学生到达校园,就很少需要汽车了.

bicycles on the quad

bfu_silver_2022.pngBicycle Friendly University

皇冠体育被美国自行车联盟认定为自行车友好大学, 加入由47个州和哥伦比亚特区的221所学院和大学组成的精英团体,为我们的努力采取行动,使学生更容易、更安全, faculty, and staff to choose to get around by bike. In addition to the information below, please visit our Bicycles at Bowdoin website with lots more detail on bicycle access, maintenance, storage, and safe bike routes in the Brunswick area! 


  • Bowdoin has over 1,800 bike parking spaces across campus. Three of the bike racks provide cover from the elements, while several others are placed under building overhangs. 
  • 皇冠体育学生会为黄色自行车俱乐部提供资金, 一项允许学生以较低的会员费租用自行车一整个学期的服务. 此外,俱乐部的成员有完全的自行车维修时间.
  • 皇冠体育有两个独立的自行车维修站,一个在巴克健身中心,另一个在朗费罗艺术中心的自行车架上.
  • 校园一英里内有三家自行车店,供那些不愿意自己修自行车的学生使用. 
  • 对于那些想要学习的人,皇冠体育郊游俱乐部还提供年度自行车保养课程
EV Charging station on campus

EV Charging on Campus

皇冠体育大学一直通过在校园内提供电动汽车充电站来支持员工向电动汽车的过渡. 皇冠体育目前有18个电动汽车的插头,可以同时充电. 电动汽车充电站可供皇冠体育社区和校园游客使用.  All of Bowdoin's chargers are currently free for the first four hours, then cost $3 per hour after that. 这笔费用每15分钟按比例收取一次,目的是作为一种温和的推动,鼓励人们移动他们的汽车,共享港口. 

For the ChargePoint chargers在美国,用户必须在手机上启用Apple Pay或下载ChargePoint应用程序. 那些想跳过这些步骤的人可以申请一张ChargePoint卡,但仍然需要提供信用卡信息,以防用户在四小时的免费充电时间内收费.
For the Blink chargers, 用户必须下载Blink Charging移动应用程序,并以客人身份开始充电,或者使用RFID信用卡付款. 任何一种选择都需要您的信用卡信息,以防用户在四小时的免费充电时间内收费.  

EV Charging Locations:

  • Russwurm Parking Lot: 两个ChargePoint 2级充电插头可以在学院街约翰布朗罗斯沃姆非裔美国人中心旁边的地段买到.
  • Roux Center Parking Lot: Four Chargepoint充电插头可以在学院街Roux环境中心旁边的地段买到 
  • Coffin Street Parking Lot: 在科芬街停车场的西南角有十二个Blink充电插头可供使用, next to Osher Hall.

Related News Article: Bowdoin Sustainability Adds More Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers

Transportation Options