
Bowdoin offers students a variety of options for pursuing studies in engineering in addition to their degree in physics.

Bowdoin College arranges shared studies programs with the University of Maine at Orono, the School of 工程 and Applied Science of 哥伦比亚大学, the Thayer School of 工程 at 达特茅斯学院,和 California Institute of Technology (加州理工学院). These programs have differing requirements and are completed on different time-scales. See below for details regarding the various available engineering options.
Student Working in a Laboratory
Students Working in an Introductory Lab

Course 需求 for Pursuing an 工程 Degree

Students planning to do one of the 3-2 engineering options while also attaining a Physics degree from Bowdoin must take the following courses:

  • 2130年物理
  • 2140年物理
  • 2150年物理
  • Physics 3000 or Mathematics 2208
  • Chemistry 1102 or 1109
  • Mathematics through 1800
  • Computer Science 1101

Additionally, an Economics course is often desired by the engineering institution. Particular institutions may also expect students to have taken other courses, and any student interested in these programs should contact the department's 工程 Adviser, 戴尔Syphers, to go over these details. It is important for students interested in the engineering programs to start planning early and be prepared to enroll in a rigorous course of study in the sciences and mathematics.