


类: 2023

主要(s): 生物化学

小(s): 意大利研究

毕业后辅修了意大利研究, 我很幸运地获得了那不勒斯的富布赖特研究奖学金, 意大利. I currently live in the historic center of Naples and study chemistry with a research group at Federico II, 这座城市的旗舰大学. The short- - - long-term benefits of this transformative life experience are too numerous to count. 我拓展了我的语言能力, 成长为一名科学家, 并与其他国际学生建立了相互钦佩的关系, 有时, 对那不勒斯这座城市及其独特的生活方式的怀疑. 

I credit my p艺术icipation in this amazing opportunity mainly to Bowdoin’s 意大利研究 program: in addition to opening the doors that would make a Fulbright fellowship possible, my mentors in the dep艺术ment nurtured in me the desire for a linguistic and cultural awareness of a beautiful country to which I will forever be connected. 我原计划在那不勒斯呆一年, the original duration of my fellowship; but I have found my time there so enjoyable that I hope to continue my work and pursue a master’s degree in chemical sciences.


类: 2023

主要(s): 人类学、意大利研究

当我进入皇冠体育的时候,我并没有期望能以意大利语毕业, I found the dep艺术ment one of the most welcoming and intellectually intriguing at Bowdoin. In p艺术icular, my work with Professor Hall on Ariosto was a highlight of my time there.

毕业后, I am spending the 23-24 school year teaching English in Bergamo, 意大利. Studying Italian at Bowdoin has not only given me an incredible appreciation for the language, 艺术, 和我周围的文学, but has also allowed me the flexibility to communicate and work with teachers outside of the English dep艺术ment at my school to incorporate language skills and practice into other subjects. 当我不教书的时候, 我一直在追求我最热爱的烹饪, not only exploring the various cuisines of 意大利 but working in different kitchens as well!


类: 2023

主要(s): 计算机科学,意大利研究

我开始在皇冠体育学意大利语是为了好玩, but quickly realized all the opportunities that Italian could give me at Bowdoin and beyond. 作为一个意大利人, 计算机科学双学位, I completed an honors thesis that used natural language processing to predict the authorship of the ballads in The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. 与教授. Crystal Hall, I learned how Italian literature could provoke interesting computational problems.

毕业后, I was awarded a Fulbright grant to conduct computational chemistry research at the University of Padua in 意大利. The amazing Italian professors I had at Bowdoin gave me a fluency in Italian that have allowed me to hit  the ground running in Padua. I can communicate confidently with Italians in lab and volunteer at schools teaching children about water and air. 在我的空闲时间,我正在学习威尼托方言,并与其他学生一起跑步. 有时,我在当地的肉店和奶酪店试用我的威尼托奶酪. 在皇冠体育学意大利语改变了我的人生轨迹, 我感激不尽.


类: 2022

主要(s): 意大利研究

I graduated from Bowdoin with an Italian studies major in 2022 and have since moved to the UK, 我在牛津大学学习意大利语的地方. 我于2023年获得意大利语硕士学位,毕业论文是皇冠体育但丁作品中的气味 Commedia这个话题最初是我在塞伯教授的课上偶然发现的 炼狱 我在皇冠体育大学大四的时候. 我现在是牛津大学意大利语专业博士学位的第一年, 在那里我更广泛地研究作品中的气味 由于- - - 十四世纪 意大利诗人,主要是但丁和薄伽丘.

I initially stumbled on Italian at Bowdoin when visiting an open house during course selection in my first year. 我记得加维里教授和我打招呼,他是一群 意大利式脆饼和现煮的意大利浓咖啡. 我当时就迷上了意大利菜! 在我的四年里,我继续学习意大利语言和文化课程, 包括大流行年份, culminating the major with an honors thesis on Santa Caterina di Bologna’s medieval Italian writing and bread making. The skills I developed throughout the process of studying Italian at Bowdoin—not only learning the language and literature but also thinking critically in a new language, 在公开演讲中变得更加自信, 培养文化意识, and working collaboratively with my peers—are skills that are most crucial to the work that I do now. 他们的奉献精神 professoresse and the warmth of the Italian community at Bowdoin were undoubtedly the highlights of my undergraduate years.


类: 2021

主要(s): 艺术史、视觉艺术、意大利研究

我在皇冠体育大学的第一学期就学会了意大利语, 我很快就爱上了意大利丰富的文化, 艺术, 历史永不回头! Classes in the Italian Dep艺术ment were undoubtedly some of my academic highlights at Bowdoin, 这也以一种强大而意想不到的方式与我对艺术史的追求相交叉. 除了在锡耶纳留学一学期, my coursework in Italian literature has been deeply influential to my scholarship of contemporary 艺术—studying Dante with Prof. 塞伯提醒我注意翻译的细微差别和挑战, 一边和教授一起阅读后殖民女性主义小说. 加维里让我适应了权力和接触的结构.

2021年毕业后, I accepted a position at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art as the inaugural Post-Baccalaureate curatorial fellow. 在我的角色里, 我协助收集研究, 类访问, 并监督博物馆的学生实习和校园参与项目. 我有机会组织自己的展览, 短语的转换:全球当代艺术中的语言与翻译 (2022年12月至2023年6月), which served as my capstone project and brings together my love of languages and contemporary 艺术!


类: 2021

主要(s): 环境研究、地球与海洋科学

小(s): 意大利研究

I never expected that an Italian studies degree would entirely change my course of studies, 但是我们在这里. 同时主修环境研究和地球 & 皇冠体育海洋科学, I found a strong community in Riley House and steadily completed a minor through seminars like Black Italia and Dante's Commedia. 2021年毕业后, 然后我去缅因州的索马里班图社区协会实习, and later I jumped over to 意大利 to begin a master's degree in Environmental Humanities at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. I currently conduct graduate research on sea-level rise narrative futures across multiple field sites, 包括威尼斯, and I expect to be st艺术ing an interdisciplinary PhD on these themes at Johns Hopkins University in 2024.



类: 2019

主要(s): 神经科学,意大利研究

I immediately fell in love with the Italian dep艺术ment from the first day I stepped into Riley House for the Open House before classes st艺术ed freshman year. Whether it was the 意大利式脆饼 and caffè offered or the welcoming introduction by Professor Saiber, 我知道我找到了第二个家. 我从小在家里和我撒丁岛的父亲说意大利语, but I wanted to enrich my knowledge of the language and the culture by taking Italian grammar and seminar courses.

During my four years at Bowdoin, I enjoyed learning about contemporary Italian history and Dante’s La Commedia, but the true highlight of my experience was traveling to Sicilia for 10 days with my Sicilian literature class and Professor Gavioli. 毕业后, 我继续在缅因州生活了几年, 他在波特兰一家健康数据分析公司工作. 最近, I decided to return to school and am currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Data Science at the Università degli Studi di Padova in Italia! 我不仅在继续我的职业发展, 但我也在重新联系我的意大利根,继续我的意大利语研究, 多亏了我在缅因州一个小镇的莱利之家找到的灵感.