

点击此链接 倾听我们以前的专业学生讲述他们在我们的项目和国外的经历给他们带来了什么,以及他们如何在今天的各种职业中运用他们所学到的知识.



类: 2016

主要(s): 拉美裔研究

小(s): 教育

While I do not know what the future holds, I know it must touch education in some way. I hope to teach, work on education policy, or act as a social worker in schools.


我在理查森长大, TX, 达拉斯北部的一个城市, 上了一所公立学校,我从二年级开始和朋友们一起步行上学. It was a school embedded into the community, with sufficient resources, and a friendly staff. 约3rd grade, my parents started talking about placing me in a private school. 当我问他们为什么, they explained that the school’s emphasis on standardized testing, 这是由德克萨斯州规定的, 会冲淡我的教育——当我提前完成作业时,我就会归档文件,给老师装订讲义, and 在 free reading time I was often asked to read with students who were struggling. While I denied their criticisms of my beloved elementary school, I 可以n’t help but notice the faults and flaws that abounded within the classroom. While ultimately I ended up at a private, 达拉斯的男女合校, 他们的评论和我从儿时的朋友那里获得的公立学校的亲身经历激发了我对教育的批判性思考:为什么有些学生比其他人受到更好的教育? How do you quantify student success? What does critically thinking look like?

我在皇冠体育的第一年, 我决定选修《皇冠体育官网》,希望能找到这些棘手问题的答案. 然而, after a few weeks of intense course readings and dynamic discussions, I found myself with more questions than answers! 我很快发现了隐藏在美国教育表面之下的层层复杂性,并被不平等的制度所吸引, that contribute to the challenges of public education, 以及老师和学校的辛勤工作,这些都指向了学校的希望. 下个学期, 我参加了“全民教育”课程,每周花4个小时和不伦瑞克初中的一名中学生一起学习. 一个眼睛明亮的, 七年级女孩, she embodied the dichotomies and challenges we read about and discussed in class. 我和她的关系丰富和复杂了我对中学生如何在课堂上学习和看待自己的理解.

With a couple semesters of education under my belt, a professor of mine encouraged me to pursue a summer internship in the education field. 在她的支持和忠告下, 大三前的那个夏天,我在华盛顿儿童保护基金会做了一名教育政策研究实习生.C. 实习期间, I attended hearings on Capitol Hill, lobbied for early childhood education legislation, and researched important issues surrounding school equity. My research focused predominantly on disproportionality in school discipline, 学校拨款的差异, and the implication of Common Core for poor children and children of color. 这次经历成为多丽丝·桑托罗的城市教育课程的完美跳板, 我现在就读的学校.

While I do not know what the future holds, I know it must touch education in some way. I hope to teach, work on education policy, or act as a social worker in schools. Although schools are not sufficient to solve for systemic inequality, they are necessary. Through my coursework and conversations with education professors, I’ve come to learn what the state of education in the U.S. looks like, as well as imagine what it 可以 be.



类: 2015

主要(s): 拉美裔研究, 历史

小(s): 教育

On my very first day of 教育 1101 在 the fall of my first year at Bowdoin, I was exposed to at least five other types of school experiences, 我被迷住了. I left each class thereafter full of new perspectives, ideas, and questions.


皇冠体育之前,我的教育经历仅仅是在怀俄明州西部的农村上学. 对我来说,我所在的小型同质学校代表了美国大多数学校. It was the only thing I had ever known, so I never questioned it. On my very first day of 教育 1101 在 the fall of my first year at Bowdoin, I was exposed to at least five other types of school experiences, 我被迷住了. I left each class thereafter full of new perspectives, ideas, and questions. 正是这些挥之不去的问题让我不断回到美国,激发了我对美国教育体系的好奇心.

第二年, I took 教育 2203 (Educating All Students), which gave me the opportunity to observe and be a part of a fifth grade classroom. It was there where I was first able to see theory put into practice. 从那时起, I have had the great opportunity to take 教育 2265 (Using the Environment to Educate), 教育 3325 (Mindfulness in 教育), 最后是教学与学习与课程(教育3301/3302)——所有这些都加深了我在学校教书的愿望和激情, 参与讨论, and preparation for a confident future in education. 每个班级都是独一无二的, but each has contributed to my overall formation as a learner and as a future teacher. I especially value the local school engagement component part of my classes, 因为它提供了一个独特的机会来见证不同的教学和学习技巧,并与缅因州社区建立密切的联系.

我在皇冠体育的教育经历的顶点是我在教学和课程(教育3301/3302)的时间。. This past semester, I have spent well over 40 hours in an 8th grade Social Studies classroom as an active observer and participant. 每天早上,当我穿过熙熙攘攘的走廊,面对课堂教学的挑战时,我的兴奋是我无法摆脱的.

我在皇冠体育的教育课程启发了我追求其他形式的教育. I spent the fall semester of my junior year studying abroad in Mendoza, Argentina. 在那里,我在一所三语学校(西班牙语、意大利语和英语)做英语家教。. 我很感激我从我的教育课程中获得的信心和知识,能够在这种情况下教书, and I have gained so much from bringing that experience home with me and expanding upon it.

These past four years have exposed me to educational experiences far beyond my own—in Maine, 美国, 及以后. 我不确定我的教育之路接下来会走向何方,因为我准备在春天毕业, 但我是在教育系所有了不起的教授给我的指导和准备下去的. 我知道,在我们今天努力寻找我国教育的答案的过程中,我会不断提出问题, 我都等不及了!



类: 2014

地点: 加州帕洛阿尔托

莫丽弗里德兰德 is a graduate of the class of 2014 from Del Mar, CA. She is currently enrolled in Stanford Medical School. At Bowdoin, Mollie doubled majored in Hispanic studies and neuroscience. While studying abroad in Argentina, Mollie sought physician shadowing opportunities, began the AMCAS medical school application process, and looked for future opportunities to explore Hispanic culture alongside clinical medicine. With the "mammoth support of Bowdoin mentors, a large amount of effort towards applications and interviews, 还有一些运气," Mollie received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship grant, acceptance to three MD/PhD programs, and an offer to join the Stanford MD program.


Mollie decided to attend Stanford Medical School, 但推迟一年入学,到马德里担任富布赖特英语助教, 西班牙, 这样她就可以追求她对西班牙语言和文化的兴趣,并接触到全民医疗保健系统. 富布赖特的经历增强了她将西班牙语和医学结合起来的愿望,同时也培养了她对国际合作力量的欣赏. 在医学院, Mollie选修了多个医学西班牙语选修课程,并利用西班牙语技能与斯坦福大学免费诊所的西班牙裔患者交流. Mollie investigated pancreas development in Dr. Seung Kim’s lab at Stanford through a Howard Hughes Medical Institute fellowship, and is in the augural class of Knight-Henessey Fellows. With her Knight-Henessey Fellowship, Mollie will pursue a PhD in Stanford's Developmental 生物学 program, and will graduate with a dual MD-PhD from Stanford. 莫丽在皇冠体育接受的文科教育和周到的指导使她获得了丰富的经验,这些经验使她决定从事学术医学事业, collaborative basic science research, and treating underserved Hispanic communities.



类: 2012

地点: 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州

萨莎克鲁兹 graduated from Bowdoin in 2012 with a double major in biology and Spanish, and is originally from San Antonio, 德州. Sasha is currently enrolled in the pharmacy program at 德州 A&她是一名执业药剂师,与医生一起合作管理慢性病患者.


在皇冠体育和德州之间&M, 萨沙在一家药店工作,以积累经验,并决定我是否适合做药剂师, and also taught a Kaplan PCAT course. 她花了一年的时间获得药房经验,这有助于巩固她在药房从事职业的决定. Sasha grew up in an area of 德州 where a shortage of health care existed, and she decided to attend 德州 A&因为学校的使命和坚定的承诺,帮助增加获得医疗保健在南德克萨斯地区. 德克萨斯大学的药学项目&M has opened many doors for Sasha, 包括她在药学院二年级毕业后在梅奥诊所实习的绝佳机会.

萨沙说,如果没有塞斯·拉莫斯和皇冠体育健康专业咨询公司,她就不会有今天的成就. She is grateful for the office for its information, 鼓励, 以及之前的指导, 在, and after the pharmacy school application process.