
教育 Coordinate Major

Students coordinate their study of education with any department/program at Bowdoin that offers a major. To satisfy the requirements for the coordinate major in education, students must complete the six credits detailed below as well as the major requirements within their coordinated department/program. 

建造于1101年Contemporary American 教育1
Select one first-year writing seminar in education (1000-1049) or one education course at the 2000 level or higher.1
Select four courses at the 2000 level or higher.4
  • Students may count one intermediate independent study 和 one advanced independent study toward the major.
  • With departmental approval, one study away course or course that is not cross-listed with the education department may be used to fulfill the major requirements.
  • Majors may count up to two courses cross-listed with education towards the major.
  • All majors are encouraged to take a course at the 3000 level.


A minor in education requires four courses:

建造于1101年Contemporary American 教育1
Select one first-year writing seminar in education (1000-1049) or one course in education at the 2000 level or higher.1
Select two courses in education at the 2000 level or higher.2
  • Students may count one intermediate independent study or one advanced independent study toward the minor.
  • With departmental approval, one study away course or course that is not cross-listed with the education department may be used to fulfill the minor requirements.
  • Minors may count up to two courses cross-listed with education towards the minor.
  • All minors are encouraged to take a course at the 3000 level.

Interdisciplinary Majors

The education department participates in interdisciplinary programs in education 和 mathematics 和 in education 和 physics. 看到 Interdisciplinary Majors area for more information. 

Additional Information 和 Department 政策

  • Students may count one intermediate independent study 和 one advanced independent study toward the major.
  • Students may count one intermediate independent study or one advanced independent study toward the minor.
  • Students may count up to two courses cross-listed with education toward the coordinate major.
  • All majors 和 minors are encouraged to take an education course at the 3000 level.
  • 课程 that count toward the coordinate major or minor must be taken for regular letter grades.
  • Students must earn a grade of C- or better in order to have a course count toward the coordinate major or minor or serve as a prerequisite.

Bowdoin Teacher Scholars Program

The Bowdoin Teacher Scholars are a select group of Bowdoin undergraduates 和 graduates who embrace the College’s commitment to the common good by becoming teachers through a rigorous scholarly 和 classroom-based program. For the most current information about the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars program, please visit the website 在这里.

  • Students interested in the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars teacher certification program may complete the program’s four prerequisite courses in the context of the coordinate major or the minor, or they may choose to do so outside of either the coordinate major or the minor.
  • 课程 in the teaching pathway must be taken at Bowdoin.
  • 课程 must be taken for regular letter grades to apply to Bowdoin Teacher Scholars eligibility.
  • Students must earn a grade of C- or better in order to have a course count as a content area requirement.
  • Students should be aware that 建造于3301年 教与学 和 建造于3302年 Curriculum Development have “content area” prerequisite courses that are taken outside of the education department. 这些都是:
    • 社会研究: Two courses in 历史 和 two additional courses in government, 人类学, 经济学, 历史, 社会学, 或心理学.​
    • 英文: Four courses in English.
    • 数学: Four courses in mathematics.
    • 世界语言: Four courses in a language.
    • 生命科学: Four courses in biology.
    • 自然科学: Three courses in one of the following: earth 和 oceanographic science, 化学, 或物理, 和 one course in one of the other departments.

Information for Incoming Students

Students who have an interest in studying education (including those who hope to become certified secondary school teachers) should take 建造于1101年 Contemporary American 教育 either their first or second semester (the course is offered every semester). 

The Bowdoin 教育 Department offers a no-cost opportunity to become a certified public school teacher. Students who complete the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars program are eligible for loan reimbursement. This program can be completed as an undergraduate or within two years of graduation. 请参阅 member of the 教育 Department to discuss your eligibility 和 plan your pathway.

This is an excerpt from the official Bowdoin College Catalogue 和 Academic H和book. 查看目录