Missing Student Policy

Bowdoin College will actively investigate any report of a missing student 和 take appropriate action to ensure all notifications 和 actions comply with legal m和ates.

Investigation of such reports will be initiated immediately 和 procedures will be governed by federal, 状态, 以及当地法律, as well as internal Office of Safety 和 Security st和ard operating procedures.

1. Policy Administration

a. Emergency Contact Designation
Each matriculated Bowdoin College student must pre-identify an emergency contact for any situation deemed an emergency with respect to a student’s well-being. Prior to the start of each semester, all Bowdoin College students are 要求 to complete the emergency contact fields when submitting the online enrollment form, 发现于 民政事务总署 Registrar. At any time during the school year, students may update this information by obtaining 和 submitting a form at the Registrar’s Office in Jewett Hall. This form may also be downloaded through links found on both the Registrar 和 Office of Safety 和 Security’s web page. 

For the purposes of this policy, the emergency contact would be notified in the event that a determination is made by campus or local authorities that the student is “missing” for a period of more than 24 hours. Not later than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined to be missing, the College is 合法 要求 to notify a custodial parent or guardian of any student who is under 18 years of age, 和 not an emancipated individual. Emergency contact information will be held confidentially for use by the institution, 和 shared only on a need to know basis in the best interest of the student’s welfare. 

b. Inter-Departmental Coordination
Due to the need for data collection, timely communications, student management, 和 individual 和 campus-wide safety 和 security, the procedures for implementing this policy require close coordination among the 民政事务总署 Registrar, the 民政事务总署 Dean of Students, 和 the Office of Safety 和 Security.

2. Policy Procedures

a. Investigation/Determination of Missing

及时, the Office of Safety 和 Security will initiate an extensive missing person investigative process, as outlined in the CEMP Missing Person Domestic 和 International Incident Action Plan. The Plan contains checklists 和 investigative strategy to gather all pertinent report information to ascertain the gravity of the situation 和 further investigate. 

Engaging non-College authorities 和 resources in the investigation of a missing student report will be at the discretion of the Executive Director of Safety 和 Security. While the Executive Director will work closely with all appropriate Departments, 和, when appropriate, law enforcement agencies, to investigate the students’ whereabouts, the final determination of a student as “missing” will be made by the Executive Director, who will then ensure that the appropriate internal 和 external notifications are made.

b. Notifications Upon Determination of “Missing”
Upon the Executive Director’s determination that a student is missing, the appropriate law enforcement agencies will be notified of the missing person status within 24 hours, 如果不是更早的话. Also during this timeframe, the Executive Director will coordinate with the Dean of Students to ensure that notification is made to the student’s designated emergency contact.

If, at any point during this process, a potential real threat to campus constituencies is identified, the Executive Director will initiate the dissemination of appropriate information 和 actions necessary to safeguard the campus community. Procedures outlined in the Campus Emergency Management Plan will be employed. 

c. Action by the 民政事务总署 Dean of Students
When the 民政事务总署 Dean of Students is made aware of a concern that a student may be “missing” or nonresponsive to attempts to be contacted, appropriate action will be taken to assist with locating the student, including coordination with the Office of Safety 和 Security 和 other College resources.