Athletic Prizes

General Awards

Annie L. E. 戴恩杰出领导奖为纪念弗朗西斯·S·弗朗西斯的妻子而命名. 1896年的戴恩,37年的内森·戴恩的母亲, 温克利拉丁语言文学教授, 每年春天,这个奖杯都会颁发给“最能体现最高品质品格”的大学女子代表队的一名资深成员, courage, and commitment to team play." 该奖项在每年春天举行的体育之夜颁奖典礼上颁发. (1978)

Jennifer S. Harvey '04 Leadership Award for Junior Varsity and Club Sports Leadership: This annual award is presented in support of and to acknowledge non-varsity athletics at Bowdoin, 优先考虑女子和/或男子初级大学代表队. 该奖项在每年春天举行的体育之夜颁奖典礼上颁发. (2009)

The Seventy-Seven Award:每年颁发一次,以纪念1977届毕业生, 由教练组投票决定, to the team that regardless of record played unselfishly and with the utmost heart in victory or defeat; and built character as the season progressed while upholding the competitive spirit, traditions, 以及学院和体育系的理想.

Lucy L. 杰出女运动员舒尔曼奖杯: Given by Harry G. Shulman, A.M. H'71, in honor of his wife, this trophy is awarded annually to the “senior outstanding woman athlete.“选拔由体育部投票决定. 该奖项在每年春天举行的体育之夜颁奖典礼上颁发 (1975).

威尔·史密斯社区服务奖: This award, 为了纪念威尔·史密斯而命名的, 表彰学生运动员对社区的杰出服务. 该奖项在每年春天举行的体育之夜颁奖典礼上颁发.

皇冠体育女子体育协会奖这个奖项是“第六人”或无名英雄的荣誉, 去找一个优秀的学生运动员, in the opinion of the staff, exhibits unselfish support of their own team(s) and Bowdoin Athletics through sportsmanship, effort, and teamwork. 以前只授予女子大学代表队成员, 它对男女学生运动员都开放. 选拔由体育部投票决定. 该奖项在每年春天举行的体育之夜颁奖典礼上颁发 (1978).

Frederick G. P. 索恩杰出领导奖这个奖项颁发给在运动场上和运动场外最能表现出领导才能的男学生运动员. 该奖项在每年春天举行的体育之夜颁奖典礼上颁发. (1999)

Sidney J. Watson Award该奖项在一年一度的体育之夜颁奖典礼上颁发给皇冠体育的一名高年级男或女学生运动员,以表彰其杰出的运动表现和多个团队的领导能力. 它不一定每年都颁发.


Francis S. Dane Baseball Trophy: This trophy, presented to the College by friends and members of the family of Francis S. Dane 1896, is awarded each spring "to that member of the varsity baseball squad who, 由学生生活主任组成的委员会认为, the director of athletics, and the coach of baseball, 最好的例子是高品质的性格, sportsmanship, 以及对棒球运动的热情." (1965)


William J. Fraser Basketball Trophy这个奖杯,由Harry G. Shulman, A.M. 1971年,为了纪念威廉. Fraser '54, 每年颁发给最能体现皇冠体育篮球精神的篮球队成员. 获奖者由教练和田径主任选出. (1969)

保罗·尼克松篮球奖杯: Given to the College by an anonymous donor and named in memory of Paul Nixon, L.H.D. '43, 从1918年到1947年担任皇冠体育院长, in recognition of his interest in competitive athletics and sportsmanship, 这个奖杯每年都会刻上皇冠体育大学篮球队成员的名字,他通过他的领导才能和体育精神为球队做出了最有价值的贡献. (1959)

女子篮球校友奖: A bowl, 刻有收件人姓名的, is given to the player who "best exemplifies the spirit of Bowdoin's Women's Basketball, 将天赋与无私的比赛和良好的体育精神相结合.该奖项由皇冠体育大学校友篮球运动员颁发. (1983)


Winslow R. Howland Football Trophy: This trophy, presented to the College by his friends in memory of Winslow R. Howland '29, 是每年颁发给在足球赛季中在球场上进步最显著的大学橄榄球队成员的, 谁表现出了合作的品质, aggressiveness, enthusiasm for the game, 以及温斯洛·豪兰特有的体育精神. (1959)

Wallace C. Philoon Trophy: Given by Maj. Gen. 华莱士·科普兰·菲隆,美国,1905年,硕士.S. '44, 这个奖杯每年颁发给本赛季对足球队做出突出贡献的非字母冠军. 这个奖项是颁给一个在比赛和训练中表现忠诚的人,他在整个赛季中都付出了最大的努力. (1960)

William J. 里尔登纪念足球奖杯: A replica of this trophy, which was given to the College by the family and friends of William J. Reardon '50, 是每年颁发给为球队和学校做出杰出贡献的大学橄榄球队大四学生的, courage, and ability, 威廉·J. Reardon exemplified at Bowdoin College on the campus and on the football field. (1958)

Philip H. Soule Award这个奖颁发给高年级学生, or worthy underclassman, who letters in football and a second intercollegiate varsity sport and who has displayed the character, dedication and enthusiasm for competition as exemplified by Coach Soule.

Ice Hockey

Hannah W. Core '97 Memorial Award: Given to a member of the women's hockey team who best represents the enthusiasm, hard work, 以及汉娜将被铭记的承诺. Hannah died in a scuba diving accident the summer before her junior year. 获奖者由其他玩家投票选出. (1996)

Hugh Munro Jr. Memorial Trophy这个奖杯是他的家人为了纪念小休·门罗而送给他的. '41, 谁为国捐躯了, 每年都会刻上皇冠体育大学曲棍球队队员的名字,他最能体现小休·门罗一生的忠诚和勇气. (1946)

科比·纳多第七届球员奖: 柯比·纳多(Kirby Nadeau)在1981年就是一个例子, 这个奖项每年颁发给皇冠体育女子曲棍球项目中表现出杰出的承诺和热情的女成员, 在曲棍球项目和校园社区中,是什么激励了队友们超越他们的潜力. (2017)

Andrew Noel III Award: Presented to a member of the Men’s Ice Hockey team representing the highest standards of commitment, preparation, perseverance, and character. Its recipient reflects concern for team, community and the common good.

约翰"杰克"佩奇教练奖:为纪念南哈普斯韦尔的约翰·佩奇而建立, Maine, 通过他妻子的遗赠, Elizabeth Page, 该奖项每年颁发给以下个人, 教练组认为, 通过成就使自己出类拔萃, leadership, 以及对冰球项目的杰出贡献, the College, and community. (1993)

Peter Schuh Memorial Award这个奖杯,是为了纪念彼得. Schuh '96, is presented to the most valuable player in the annual Bowdoin-Colby men's ice hockey game.

Harry G. Shulman Hockey Trophy这个奖杯每年颁发给对皇冠体育曲棍球有突出贡献的曲棍球队成员. The recipient is elected by a vote of the coach and the director of athletics. (1969)

Peter W. Smith Team Player Award: The Team Player Award, 为纪念彼得·威廉·史密斯于2007年成立, 每年颁发给皇冠体育男子冰球队的一名成员,他体现了“团队精神”的含义.” This individual, 一个全面的模范队友, leads by example, listens, 并且在需要的时候第一个提供支持和反馈. 在他担任团队成员期间, Pete went out of his way to ensure that all of his teammates were a part of every activity, both on and off the ice. 这个奖项的获得者是皇冠体育曲棍球界一位非常有价值和受人尊敬的成员,他忠于并支持他的同龄人.

克里斯托弗·查尔斯·沃特拉斯纪念女子冰球奖杯这个奖杯是为了纪念1985年的克里斯·沃特拉斯, 前女子冰球助理教练. 该奖项每年颁发给皇冠体育女子曲棍球队最能展示体育精神品质的成员, leadership, commitment, 以及对队友和这项运动的奉献, 在冰上,在社区和教室里. The recipient is selected by the women's varsity ice hockey coach and the director of athletics. Her name is engraved on the permanent trophy and she receives a replica at the team's annual award ceremony. (1989)

女子冰球创始人奖: This award is presented to the player who exemplifies the qualities of enthusiasm, dedication, 在皇冠体育女子曲棍球的建立过程中,那些精神抖擞的年轻女子表现出了不屈不挠的精神. 获奖者由其他玩家投票选出. (1991)


Mortimer F. LaPointe Lacrosse Award这个奖项是为了纪念莫蒂默教练而颁发的. LaPointe's twenty-one seasons as coach of men's lacrosse by his alumni players, 是给一个校队队员的吗, who, 通过他的进取精神, love of the game, and positive attitude, 帮助建立了一个更强大的团队. The coach will make the final selection after consultation with the captains. (1991)

艾伦·蒂默女子曲棍球奖杯: This trophy, donated to the women's lacrosse program from funds given in memory of Ellen Tiemer's husband, Paul Tiemer '28, who died in 1988, 是每年颁发给一名被认为为皇冠体育和她自己带来最大荣誉的高级或初级女性." The recipient is to be selected by a vote of the team and the coach. (1996)

保罗·蒂默男子曲棍球奖杯: This award, established from funds given in memory of Paul Tiemer Jr., 是每年颁发给在整个赛季中表现出最大进步和团队精神的球员吗. 每年只颁发一次奖项, and the recipient is to be selected by a vote of the men's varsity lacrosse team. (1996)

Paul Tiemer Jr. Men's Lacrosse Trophy:保罗·蒂默1928年为纪念他的儿子小保罗·蒂默而作., 这个奖杯每年颁发给大学长曲棍球队的高年级成员,他们被认为为皇冠体育和他自己带来了最大的荣誉. The recipient is selected by the varsity lacrosse coach and the director of athletics. (1976)


Barry Honan “Spirit” Award这个奖项是对奉献精神的肯定, spirit, leadership and sportsmanship exhibited by the most deserving backfield player on the Women’s Rugby team.

Charlie Hews “Spirit” Award: Named in honor of Bowdoin alumnus and longtime rugby supporter Charles Hews ’68, 这个奖项是对奉献精神的肯定, spirit, leadership, and sportsmanship exhibited by the most deserving forward on the Women’s Rugby team.


The Bicknell Award为纪念Ray Bicknell而命名, 谁当了七年的女足教练, this award is presented to the most valuable player on the Women's Soccer team.

乔治·莱文纪念足球奖杯这个奖杯,由中尉颁发. Benjamin Levine, coach of soccer in 1958, is awarded to that member of the varsity soccer team exemplifying the traits of sportsmanship, valor, and desire. (1958)

Christian P. Potholm II Soccer Award:由Christian P .捐赠给学院. Potholm II '62, 迪瓦·斯坦伍德·亚历山大政府教授, and Sandra Q. Potholm, 该基金支持每年奖励男性和女性学者/运动员,他们的辛勤工作和奉献精神一直是皇冠体育足球项目的灵感. 获奖者的选择由教练组决定. The award is in the form of a plaque 刻有收件人姓名的, the year, 以及对奖项的描述. (1992)


Reid Squash Trophy: Established by William K. Simonton '43, this trophy is awarded annually to the member of the squash team who has shown the most improvement. The recipient is to be selected by the coach of the team and the director of athletics. (1975)


查尔斯巴特游泳奖杯查尔斯·巴特游泳奖杯是由皇冠体育的前游泳运动员颁发的,以纪念长期担任游泳教练的查理·巴特. 奖杯上每年都会刻上教练认为对这项运动有贡献的优秀游泳运动员或跳水运动员的名字.

Robert B. Miller Trophy: This trophy, given by former Bowdoin swimmers in memory of Robert B. Miller, coach of swimming, 是每年颁发给“年长者”的谁, in the opinion of the coach, is the outstanding swimmer or diver on the basis of his contribution to the sport." Winners will have their names inscribed on the trophy and will be presented with bronze figurines. (1962)

桑德拉·昆兰·波瑟姆游泳奖杯:由Sandra Quinlan Potholm和Christian P .创立. Potholm II '62, 迪瓦·斯坦伍德·亚历山大政府教授, 这个奖项每年颁发给皇冠体育游泳和跳水队的男女队员,他们为球队士气做出了最大的贡献, cohesion, and happiness. 获奖者的选择由教练组决定. The award is in the form of a plaque 刻有收件人姓名的, the year, 以及对奖项的描述. (1992)

Track and Field

Leslie A. Claff ’26 Track Trophy这个奖杯,由Leslie A. Claff ’26, 是在竞赛年度结束时颁发给田径运动中表现突出的人的, in the opinion of the dean, the director of athletics, and the track coach, 表现出杰出的能力,同时具备与校际皇冠体育官网在高等教育中的作用相一致的品格和体育精神." (1961)

鲍勃和珍妮特克罗斯奖(缅因州田径官员奖)这个奖杯每年由皇冠体育田径队的朋友们颁发给表现出杰出忠诚品质的女子队成员, sportsmanship, 她在皇冠体育大学的运动生涯中表现得很好. The recipient of the award is chosen by a vote of the head track coaches and the men's and women's track team. (1989)

Bob and Carl Geiger Award:以支持缅因州大学田径和越野赛50年(1951-2001)的两兄弟命名,他们是杰出的官员和球迷, 这个奖是为了表彰杰出的忠诚, leadership, 以及在男子长跑项目中的表现.

埃尔默·朗利·哈钦森杯: This cup, given by the Bowdoin chapter of Chi Psi Fraternity in memory of Elmer Longley Hutchinson '35, is awarded annually to a member of the varsity track squad for high conduct both on and off the field of sport. (1939)

Major Andrew Morin Award: This trophy, 由长期担任田径官员的安德鲁·莫林捐赠, is given annually to the most dedicated long- or triple-jumper on the men's or women's track team. The winner is selected by a committee of track coaches and track officials. (1989)

Evelyn Pyun Memorial Award:为纪念Evelyn Pyun '02而设立, the award is presented annually for outstanding dedication and loyalty to the women's cross-country team. 该奖项表彰坚持不懈的品质, generosity, 以及埃维为皇冠体育带来的越野热情. (2000)

Colonel Edward A. Ryan Award:由瑞安上校的朋友和家人提供, 大学田径赛的老队员, 这个奖项每年颁发给女子田径队的成员,她在皇冠体育大学四年的运动生涯中通过杰出的成就和领导能力脱颖而出. (1989)