Student Group Fundraising

*注意: this 政策 applies to student groups seeking to fundraise. Individual students with questions about fundraising should reach out directly to Tim Ryan (Director of 皇冠体育官网) and/or Nate Hintze (Director of Student Activities and the David Saul Smith Union).

The College recognizes student groups may occasionally seek to organize fundraising efforts, either to benefit charitable causes not associated with the College, or to benefit groups themselves. 学生 必须 请求 and receive formal approval to organize such efforts, either from the Director of 皇冠体育官网 (or their designee) or the Director of Student Activities (or their designee, including the Director of the McKeen Center for the Common Good). 学生 必须 also seek advice from one of the above-listed approvers regarding how funds raised are safeguarded, 处理, and deposited for future use. 学生 may not open bank accounts to hold these funds, nor should the funds be placed in personal accounts to be used at a future date.

Fundraising proposals will be evaluated on their merit and adherence to the following guidelines:

  • Student groups, including athletic teams, may solicit other students; you may not directly solicit community members (including local businesses), 父母, or alumni for monetary support.
  • The use of the words “Bowdoin” or “Bowdoin College,” whether in whole or as an abbreviation, to promote or 请求 fundraising activity is prohibited.
  • 学生 may not use or post to official or unofficial channels associated with Bowdoin or Bowdoin organizations (including email and social media) to promote, 请求, or support fundraising effort prior to meeting with the Director of 皇冠体育官网 or Director of Student Activities.
  • Items normally sold in the bookstore may not be offered for sale by students or student groups without additional approval from the Director of 皇冠体育官网 or Director of Student Activities.
  • Fundraising efforts may not take place during trustee meetings, 同学会, Family Weekend, or Graduation weekends. Athletic teams seeking to fundraise through concession sales on any of these weekends 必须 receive additional approval from Development and 校友 Relations.
  • 在一般情况下, funds raised are to be contributed directly to organizations rather than having student groups serve as a pass-through to collect funds. Due to significant concerns around transparency and financial risk, students may not use GoFundMe, 集资”, CashApp, Zelle, 脸谱网, Venmo, or similar financial services apps for fundraising without additional approval (exceptions can be granted when these platforms are used to coordinate direct contributions to an organization, or when working directly with 皇冠体育官网 or Student Activities).
  • 学生 may receive occasional financial support from their family or other outside source for specific student activities and organizations and special initiatives (such as a spring training trips or travel to conferences).

注意: All College recognized student groups are eligible to receive funding through the Student Activities Funding Committee (SAFC) and agree, by virtue of their status as chartered organizations, to comply with all College policies including fundraising restrictions. Student groups are prohibited from accepting financial donations from outside organizations. Members of athletic teams, including club sports, are also subject to these restrictions as well as restrictions outlined by the Bowdoin College 皇冠体育官网 Name, Image, and Likeness 政策.

For additional information, please contact Nate Hintze (Director of Student Activities and the David Saul Smith Union) or Tim Ryan (Director of 皇冠体育官网).